Selasa, 29 April 2014


In the ancient time, lived a young man named Galoran. He was respected because of his wealth and honor. His parents were nobleman so he could live with luxury. However, he was very wasteful and every day just squandered the wealth of his parents.

One day, his parents died, but he did not care and continued to spend money as well as before. Because his life was so extravagant, all the treasure that he had was running out and he became an unemployed person. Many people sympathized with him and offered a job. But every time he got the job, he just dallied and it made him always be fired. Several months later, there was a wealthy widow who interested him. He married the widow and of course, he was very happy to be living in luxury again.

The widow had a daughter who was very diligent and clever to weave. Her name is Jambean, a beautiful girl and had been famous because of her weaving. However, Galoran did not like the girl, because the girl often scolded him because of his laziness. Finally, he threatened to torture and kill Jambean. He revealed the plan to his wife and the wife was very sad to hear of the threat.

Hearing the news, Jambean was very sad but she volunteered herself to be killed by her father. She told that she wanted to be dumped into a dam and did not burry under the ground after the death. The mother agreed and did all of her wants. In the dam, her body and head suddenly turned into the golden slugs.

Several years later, there are two widows who were looking for firewood. They were kindred, the first widow named Mbok Sambega Rondo and the second called Mbok Rondo Sembagil. When looking for the firewood in the jungle, they were very surprised because of finding the beautiful golden slugs. They brought it and maintained at home.

Once they brought the snails, there was always a miracle every day. Their kitchen was always filled with the delicious food when they came home from work. They were very surprised, and wanted to know the person who made those foods. They pretended to go to work and hid in the back of the house. A few moments later, there was a beautiful girl came from the inside of the conch and she began to cook the delicious meals.
Both widows then secretly held and did not let the girl to get into the snail anymore. The girl apparently was Jambean who had been killed by her father. Both widows then allowed her to stay with them. Because of their versatility in weaving, she got her famous back and made a handsome prince attracted. In the end, she married the prince and lived happily.

Arti :

Keong Mas

Pada zaman dahulu, hiduplah seorang pemuda yang bernama Galoran. Ia merupakan salah satu orang yang disegani karena mempunyai kekayaan dan kehormatan. Orang tuanya merupakan bangsawan sehingga ia dapat hidup dengan mewah. Namun, ia merupakan seseorang yang sangat boros dan setiap hari hanya menghambur-hamburkan harta orang tuanya.

Suatu hari, orang tuanya meninggal dunia namun ia tidak peduli dan terus menghabiskan uang seperti sebelumnya. Karena hidupnya begitu boros, maka harta yang ia miliki habis dan ia menjadi seorang pengangguran. Banyak warga yang iba terhadapnya, namun setiap kali ia mendapatkan pekerjaan, ia hanya bermalas-malasan dan membuat ia sering dipecat. Beberapa bulan kemudian, terdapat seorang janda kaya raya yang tertarik dengannya. Ia kemudian menikah dengan janda tersebut. Tentu saja, ia sangat senang karena bisa hidup mewah seperti sebelumnya.

Janda tersebut mempunyai seorang anak perempuan yang sangat rajin dan pandai menenun. Namanya  Jambean, seorang gadis yang tenunannya sangat indah dan terkenal di desa tersebut. Namun, Galoran tidak menyukai gadis tersebut, karena sang gadis selalu menegurnya karena selalu bermalas-malasan. Karena begitu benci dengan Jambean, ia mengancam akan menyiksa dan membunuhnya. Ia mengungkapkan rencana tersebut kepada istrinya dan sang istri sangatlah sedih mendengar ancaman tersebut.

Mendengar berita tersebut, Jambean sangat sedih namun ia merelakan dirinya dibunuh oleh sang ayah. Ia berpesan ketika ia telah meninggal, ia ingin agar mayatnya dibuang ke sebuah bendungan dan jangan dikubur di dalam tanah. Setelah meninggal, sang ibu memenuhi permintaan tersebut dengan membawa mayatnya ke bendungan dan menceburkannya. Di dalam bendungan, tubuh dan kepalanya berubah menjadi udang dan siput atau disebut sebagai keong dalam bahasa jawa.

Beberapa tahun kemudian, dua orang janda sedang mencari kayu bakar. Mereka adalah kakak beradik dengan nama Mbok Rondo Sambega dan Mbok Rondo Sembagil. Ketika sedang mencari kayu di hutan, mereka sangat terkejut karena menemukan keong dan siput yang berwarna emas serta sangat indah. Keduanya kemudian membawa keong dan siput tersebut untuk dipelihara di rumah.

Setelah mereka membawa siput tersebut dan menjadikannya sebagai hewan peliharaan, selalu ada keajaiban setiap hari. Dapur mereka selalu dipenuhi makanan lezat ketika mereka pulang dari bekerja. Mereka sangat heran, dan mereka ingin mengetahui siapa orang yang selalu membuat makanan lezat tersebut. Mereka berpura-pura pergi bekerja dan bersembunyi di belakang rumah. Beberapa saat kemudian, muncullah seorang gadis cantik dari dalam keong tersebut dan ia mulai memasak makanan-makanan lezat.

Kedua janda tersebut kemudian secara diam-diam memegang gadis tersebut dan tidak membiarkannya lagi untuk masuk ke dalam keong. Gadis itu ternyata adalah Jambean yang telah dibunuh oleh ayahnya. Kedua janda tersebut kemudian mengizinkan Jambean untuk tinggal bersama mereka. Karena kepandaiannya dalam menenun, ia sangat terkenal dan seorang pangeran tampan tertarik kepadanya. Pada akhirnya, ia menikah dengan pangeran dan hidup bahagia.  



Have a common causative verb. Instead of doing something with ourselves, we "tell" the other person to do so. The shape is as follows:
The verb "to have" + object + past participle (verb 3). Example:
- I've had my jacket cleaned yesterday. 
- Did you have your computer fixed?
Sometimes we use have as a causative verb when we want to take action by ourselves. Example:
- When will the report be ready? I'll do it by tomorrow morning. >> 
- When will the report be ready? I'll have it done by tomorrow morning.
By using the causative, the second sentence above divert attention from the perpetrator, and pay more attention to the actions that are being carried out. It sounds polite and professional.

Get is often used instead of have. Example:
·         I got my computer fixed - I've had my computer fixed. Both of these words mean the same thing.
·         I got my jacket cleaned. - I've had my jacket cleaned. Both of these words mean the same thing.
Causative verbs are often used in conjunction with negative experiences. In these situations have a more general use. Example:
·         I had my wallet stolen. (I actually do not cause my wallet was stolen - someone stole my wallet from me)
·         She had her window smashed.

Let be used to allow someone to do something. The form is let + person + verb. Example:
·         John let me drive his new car.
·         Will your parents let you go to the party?
·         I do not know if my boss will let me take the day off.

Make is used to force someone to do something. The form is the make + person + verb. Example:
·         My teacher made ​​me apologize for what I had said.
·         Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?
·         She made ​​her children do their homework.
Dalam percakapan sehari-hari:
Sebagai Subject Pronoun, who lebih umum digunakan daripada that.
Sebagai Subject Pronoun, that lebih umum digunakan daripada which.
The Man is my grandfather.
He speaks English every day.
The man who speaks English every day is my grand father.

Who disebut sebagai Subject Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: I, he, she, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat tabel di atas:
Who merupakan subject dari verb = speaks serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The man.
The Woman is my sister.
You kissed her last night.
The woman whom you kissed last night is my sister.

Whom disebut sebagai Object Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: me, his, her, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Whom merupakan object dari verb = kissed serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman.
The movie was very good.
We saw it last night.
The movie which we saw last night was very good.
(which digunakan karena mewakili the movie = it = kata benda)
Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Which merupakan object dari verb = saw serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The movie.

His bicycle was stolen.
I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.
Whose digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Whose juga mempunyai arti yang sama seperti layaknya penggunaan my, our, their, etc.

His bicycle = whose bicycle
The car has been stolen by my own brother.
I bought it 3 years ago.
The car that I bought 3 years ago has been stolen by my own brother.
Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan object dari verb = bought serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The car.
I thanked woman.
She helped me.
I thanked the woman that helped me
Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan subject dari verb= helped serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman.


Dalam percakapan sehari-hari:
Sebagai Subject Pronoun, who lebih umum digunakan daripada that.
Sebagai Subject Pronoun, that lebih umum digunakan daripada which.
The Man is my grandfather.
He speaks English every day.
The man who speaks English every day is my grand father.

Who disebut sebagai Subject Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: I, he, she, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat tabel di atas:
Who merupakan subject dari verb = speaks serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The man.
The Woman is my sister.
You kissed her last night.
The woman whom you kissed last night is my sister.

Whom disebut sebagai Object Pronoun (seperti penggunaan: me, his, her, etc), dan pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Whom merupakan object dari verb = kissed serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman.
The movie was very good.
We saw it last night.
The movie which we saw last night was very good.
(which digunakan karena mewakili the movie = it = kata benda)
Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
Which merupakan object dari verb = saw serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The movie.

His bicycle was stolen.
I know the man whose bicycle was stolen.
Whose digunakan untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan. Whose juga mempunyai arti yang sama seperti layaknya penggunaan my, our, their, etc.

His bicycle = whose bicycle
The car has been stolen by my own brother.
I bought it 3 years ago.
The car that I bought 3 years ago has been stolen by my own brother.
Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan object dari verb = bought serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The car.
I thanked woman.
She helped me.
I thanked the woman that helped me
Pada contoh kalimat di atas:
That merupakan subject dari verb= helped serta memperkenalkan Adjective Clause yang menerangkan subject = The woman


Have a common causative verb. Instead of doing something with ourselves, we "tell" the other person to do so. The shape is as follows:
The verb "to have" + object + past participle (verb 3). Example:
- I've had my jacket cleaned yesterday. 
- Did you have your computer fixed?
Sometimes we use have as a causative verb when we want to take action by ourselves. Example:
- When will the report be ready? I'll do it by tomorrow morning. >> 
- When will the report be ready? I'll have it done by tomorrow morning.
By using the causative, the second sentence above divert attention from the perpetrator, and pay more attention to the actions that are being carried out. It sounds polite and professional.

Get is often used instead of have. Example:
·         I got my computer fixed - I've had my computer fixed. Both of these words mean the same thing.
·         I got my jacket cleaned. - I've had my jacket cleaned. Both of these words mean the same thing.
Causative verbs are often used in conjunction with negative experiences. In these situations have a more general use. Example:
·         I had my wallet stolen. (I actually do not cause my wallet was stolen - someone stole my wallet from me)
·         She had her window smashed.

Let be used to allow someone to do something. The form is let + person + verb. Example:
·         John let me drive his new car.
·         Will your parents let you go to the party?
·         I do not know if my boss will let me take the day off.

Make is used to force someone to do something. The form is the make + person + verb. Example:
·         My teacher made ​​me apologize for what I had said.
·         Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?

·         She made ​​her children do their homework. 


Have a common causative verb. Instead of doing something with ourselves, we "tell" the other person to do so. The shape is as follows:
The verb "to have" + object + past participle (verb 3). Example:
- I've had my jacket cleaned yesterday. 
- Did you have your computer fixed?
Sometimes we use have as a causative verb when we want to take action by ourselves. Example:
- When will the report be ready? I'll do it by tomorrow morning. >> 
- When will the report be ready? I'll have it done by tomorrow morning.
By using the causative, the second sentence above divert attention from the perpetrator, and pay more attention to the actions that are being carried out. It sounds polite and professional.

Get is often used instead of have. Example:
·         I got my computer fixed - I've had my computer fixed. Both of these words mean the same thing.
·         I got my jacket cleaned. - I've had my jacket cleaned. Both of these words mean the same thing.
Causative verbs are often used in conjunction with negative experiences. In these situations have a more general use. Example:
·         I had my wallet stolen. (I actually do not cause my wallet was stolen - someone stole my wallet from me)
·         She had her window smashed.

Let be used to allow someone to do something. The form is let + person + verb. Example:
·         John let me drive his new car.
·         Will your parents let you go to the party?
·         I do not know if my boss will let me take the day off.

Make is used to force someone to do something. The form is the make + person + verb. Example:
·         My teacher made ​​me apologize for what I had said.
·         Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat?

·         She made ​​her children do their homework.